Sleep Apnea in Children

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is characterized by the recurrence of interrupted breathing during sleep and results in a chronic lack of deep, restful sleep. When adults have this disorder, they are likely to experience daytime sleepiness, but when it occurs in children, they are more likely to have behavioral issues. Sleep apnea in children is […]


The most likely location for a cavity to develop in your child’s mouth is on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth. The deep and varied crevices in these teeth make it easy for food particles to hide, and it can be difficult to keep these teeth clean, even with regular brushing. Your child’s dentist […]

Your Child’s First Dental Appointment

As soon as your child’s first tooth has erupted, which generally happens between six months and a year, you will need to schedule their first appointment with a pediatric dentist. The first visit often involves very little treatment. It is more for the child to meet their dentist, for the dentist to assess if their […]

Thumb Sucking

Thumb sucking is a common habit that babies develop before they’re born. While most children naturally stop thumb sucking between the ages of two and four, some children might struggle to break the habit. If your child is still thumb sucking around the age of four, it’s important to help them stop. Thumb sucking puts […]

Space Maintainers

One of the many functions of baby teeth is to hold space for the adult teeth that will eventually push them through. When baby teeth are lost prematurely, the permanent teeth that are coming in on either side can actually drift into the space that was reserved for another tooth. This can cause teeth to […]

Your Child’s First Teeth

Your child’s first tooth is a big developmental milestone, so it’s important for you to know what to expect and how to maintain your child’s teeth when they start coming in. It’s just as vital to take care of baby teeth as it is permanent teeth, even though the baby teeth eventually fall out. Improper […]

About Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentistry is the study, practice, teaching, and research of oral care treatments and preventions in children. It is recommended that children visit their pediatric dentist twice a year. Parents should schedule the first visit within six months of their child’s first baby tooth coming in, or by 12 months of age. Regular checkups thereafter […]

Fluoride and Your Child

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral essential for proper tooth development. Benefits of fluoride: Strengthens tooth enamel, by capturing minerals in saliva and forcing them into the tooth’s makeup Inhibits bacterial metabolism, slowing down the growth of bacteria and their reducing their acidic byproduct, which can weaken tooth enamel Inhibits tooth demineralization, meaning it can […]

Bite Problems

Orthodontic treatment can correct jaw and teeth misalignment, and give you an amazing smile in the process. It works by harnessing our body’s natural ability to remodel its own tissue. With application of light, constant force, orthodontic appliances gently reshape bone and move teeth into better positions. Examples of orthodontic appliances include braces, clear aligners, […]

Adult Orthodontic Treatment

It’s never too late to achieve your perfect smile, and now more than ever, adults are seeking orthodontic treatment. In fact, approximately 25% of orthodontic patients are adults. Adult orthodontic treatment differs from child and adolescent treatment in a few ways. Since the bone development in adults is complete, orthodontic appliances cannot change jaw structure […]