Thumb Sucking, Pacifiers, and Your Baby’s Teeth

Sucking is a common instinct for babies and the use of a pacifier or their thumb offers a sense of safety and security, as well a way to relax. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the majority of children will stop using a pacifier and stop sucking their thumb on their own between […]

Thanksgiving Trivia

At Hand Family Dentistry we love learning trivia and interesting facts about Thanksgiving! This year, the doctor wanted to share some trivia that might help you feel a bit smarter at the holiday dinner table and help create some great conversation with friends and family. The Turkey There is no historical evidence that turkey was […]

Why Are We Recommending a Periodontal Consultation?

The best way to protect yourself from gum disease is to be proactive: practice good oral hygiene at home and schedule regular checkups and cleanings in our Fort Myers, Florida office. How do you know if your dental routine is doing the job? There are specific symptoms you might notice when you brush and floss, […]

Happy Holidays! Healthy Holidays!

It’s the holiday season! With so much to do and so much going on, you want to be at your best. We have some ideas to help make your season bright with a few easy tips for a healthy smile. Keep Your Smile Merry and Bright There’s a lot going on during the holidays. Visiting […]

My gums are inflamed. What can I do?

Inflamed gums are a fairly common dental issue, but unfortunately, many people don’t take the problem seriously enough. If you ignore inflamed gums and continue your usual routine, you could be encouraging a much more severe inflammation problem, and the pain that goes along with that. Fortunately, it is quite easy to relieve inflamed gums […]

September is National Gum Care Month!

Can you believe it’s already September? At Hand Family Dentistry, we know that gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, can be difficult to recognize. Many people don’t recognize the warning signs, bleeding and swollen gums, as a precursor to gum disease. This month, a national campaign is under way to raise awareness about gum […]

Dental Anxiety

If you suffer from dental anxiety, a visit to Hand Family Dentistry might seem like a daunting prospect. Perhaps you had a bad experience in the past, but whatever the reason, please know that at our Fort Myers, Florida office, there is nothing to be afraid of. We understand you may be anxious about receiving […]

Tooth Worms? The History of Cavities and Tooth Fillings

Scientists have discovered tooth decay in specimens that are more than 15,000 years old. The ancients once thought that cavities were caused by something called “tooth worms” … Eew! They didn’t exist, of course, but how else could humans explain the holes that cavities make in teeth? The appearance of cavities on a widespread basis […]

The Perks of Dairy

We all remember hearing this: “Finish your milk, it’s good for your bones!” If you have kids of your own now, you may catch yourself repeating many of the things you were told growing up. Though parents occasionally exaggerate to get their kids to do certain things (such as eat veggies or behave), they’re spot-on […]