Category: Cosmetic & General Dentistry


The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) connect the temporal bones on each side of the skull to the mandible, or lower jawbone.

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Decayed, broken, and missing teeth affect your oral health and your self-confidence. When a tooth has suffered structural or cosmetic

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Smile Makeover

When you’re happy with your smile, you’re able to greet the world confidently, both personally and professionally. Concerns about your

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A dental veneer is a thin, durable porcelain shell that is custom-fabricated to cover the front of a tooth. Veneers

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The bacteria in plaque produce acids that erode tooth enamel, eventually creating a hole, or cavity, in the tooth surface.

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Tooth Decay Prevention

What is tooth decay? Tooth decay begins with the Streptococcus mutans bacteria. These bacteria join with food particles and fluids in the

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Inlays and Onlays

Created in Cosmetic & General Dentistry Inlays and onlays are indirect restorations used to repair molars and premolars damaged by

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Created in Cosmetic & General Dentistry When you lose a tooth, it affects not just the appearance, but the function

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