Emergency Dental Care: 5 Situations That Require Immediate Attention

Experiencing dental pain can put you in a debilitating situation. It creates discomfort that can put your daily activities to a sudden halt.  While emergency dental care might be the first thing that comes to mind to alleviate the pain, not all medical situations can qualify as dental emergencies. So, how do you know you have a dental emergency? 

What is a dental care emergency? 

Dental care emergencies are considered as urgent problems involving teeth or gums. They require quick treatment to address issues causing pain and discomfort. These situations include severe toothache, chipped tooth, an abscess. loose tooth, uncontrolled bleeding gums, and many others. You’ll need to seek dental care from family dental of Fort Myers to prevent further complications

Types of dental care emergencies:

  1. Severe Toothache – A toothache is a common dental emergency and anyone who experiences it, is in a distressing situation. It can strike without warning and it usually starts with a dull or sharp pain around your tooth.   There are many factors that can contribute to toothache and one of which is dental decay. Plaque and bacteria produce acids that cause cavities, exposing your tooth’s sensitive nerves.
    Toothaches can also be due to cracked or fractured teeth, which can also expose your nerve and cause tooth sensitivity and pain. Gum infections and abscesses are the leading cause of toothaches. Putting pressure on your tooth’s surrounding nerves can cause swelling and inflammation.
  2. Abscess – You will also need to schedule an immediate appointment with your dentist if you have a gum abscess because it is just as painful as a toothache. When you have an abscess, your gums will be filled with pus because of bacterial infection. The infection is caused by an untreated gum disease, periodontitis. People suffering from a gum abscess will experience swelling and throbbing pain.
  3. Damaged Fillings – Having a loose filling also calls for an emergency dental care because the filling is intended for protecting your tooth. Without it, your tooth will become vulnerable to bacteria causing further damage. 
  4. Bleeding Gums – A dental examination is required to determine the reason behind the gum injury. It can be a minor irritation or a symptom of a more serious health issue. Call your dentist once you notice your gums are bleeding to receive emergency dental care. 
  5. Chipped Tooth – While a chipped tooth does not hurt, it can worsen overtime. A cracked or chipped tooth indicates a more serious problem that when left untreated can result in other dental problems.

Alleviate Pain and Discomfort From These Dental Problems With Hand Family Dentistry

Recognizing a dental emergency is essential for maintaining your oral health and preventing further complications. Whether you’re dealing with a severe toothache, an abscess, damaged fillings, bleeding gums, or a chipped tooth, seeking prompt dental care is crucial. Don’t let pain disrupt your daily life—reach out to a qualified dental professional to address these urgent issues. If you’re in need of immediate assistance, contact Hand Family Dentistry today. Your health is worth prioritizing, so don’t hesitate to seek the care you deserve.

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